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Seleina Wilson
Caboolture, Australia
About the Artist
Seleina Wilson is an Australian Landscape photographer based in the Moreton Region, South East Queensland. Her ability to capture unique and inspiring imagery originates from the beautiful landscapes and seascapes that surround her. “Legend of the Land” is an exhibition which showcases the picturesque landscapes of the Moreton Bay Region while telling the story of The Glasshouse Mountains. This body of work is of great significance to the local Aboriginal people, the Gubbi Gubbi and the Junibara people. The collection represents the emotional legend of The Glasshouse Mountains as told by the Gubbi Gubbi people. Sales of images from this exhibition will see a percentage of the profit being donated to the Gubbi Gubbi Keeping Place at the Noosa Museum, Pomona as Seleina believes in “People before Profit” and helping out her local community.


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