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Al Johnson
, 67
new york, United States
About the Artist
Artist ....painter. Welcome to my world ... It's a peaceful world .A world of loud and silent spaces . I am expressing my vision of culture fully inter-locked but not bound to any end or beginning . Soulful,rich and seductive and yet spiritual enactments placed on surfaces of textures selected .Many of my works are just thoughts that show up at the right time and thus, I am ready with the tools that make feelings come forward . I don't know how it will turn out. I only know what it tells me to do .And when it comes from this source, all I ask is for it to continue coming .A relationship with this Creator that does not ask for a lot from me ...only just to allow it to flow . I am truly grateful to my Higher Power for this gift, for which I share with this world as we know it. We Are One , Al Johnson


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RESISTANCE/Al JohnsonArt Artist DNA

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