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Guy Shoval
tel aviv, Israel
About the Artist


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Interesting me to dismantle signiticance formats and keep the differences a mongs them, and to emphasize the impossibility to watch on them in the glabally way, the reduction it's an interest that causes to the blindness and emphasizes only the interests of the system, by means of dismanteing of acceptable absolute significances, with dismanteing the imagery from their context, place imagery without inception and ending, by mean of distortion of situations and place them all together without possibility to combine deep signifcance that drag the absolute preferences, i try think that it's possible enable to all thing catch a place in our existence,this as if to move about within a permanent movement like waves, to pass from movement to movement, to pass only, like thoughts that the time in them isn't linear, my goal of course, to became different all the time.
my postmodern art

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