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Carl Spartz
Lubbock, Texas, United States
About the Artist


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B-side scanning that i did to  some miniature paintings .A view of Tel-Aviv through coffee shop windows.
Each painting has the time and the order of what I had when I painted it.some drawings that i did in the last 3 years.As a child i spend a lot of time with my grandma Rosa  - an immigrant from Bukhara. in the kitchen i listened to here stories about here childhood and life over seas. smells, flavors, textures, recipes, words, memories that shaped my inner world and build a bridge in the kitchen between past, present an future. as a grow up i have seen the connection between here life and mine. I decided to decipher codes of  genome which is encrypted in me.

The featured artworks are made of meat paddies (an old recipe that passes through generation in my family) or ordinary objects, imprinted by heat on parchment paper. Food and the stories served with it shape our identity and family. I consist of the stories embedded and encrypted in my body.  I use baking to explore impression layers within me.
El Nuevo Mundo b-side paintings Tel-Avivi drawings-2007-2010 Mercury Toys Tales in medium-rare

Still Lifes Ancestral Lore

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